
Gymsport's Off the Wall Parkour Competition

October 19th, 2024

Gymsport’s fourth annual Off the Wall Parkour competition will be held on Saturday, October 19th, 2024!

Athletes will show off their parkour skills and compete for prizes in the categories of Speed, Freestyle, and Best Trick. Competitors will be grouped by age (junior and senior) and skill level (beginner and intermediate/advanced).

The deadline to register is October 10th.  The cost is $50 per competitor, which includes a shirt for all participants. Register before October 1st and get 2 free spectator admission tickets! Registrations will be accepted after 10/10 with a $25 late fee.


Spectator Entry Fee: $5 per person. Ages 5 and under are free.

Please be sure to include shirt size upon registration.

Concessions will be available during the event.